Leetcode 1137 - N-th Tribonacci Number

Author: Lee Zheng Jing

April 24, 2024

Problem Description

The Tribonacci sequence Tn is defined as follows:

T0=0,T1=1,T2=1T_0 = 0, T_1 = 1, T_2 = 1 and Tn+3=Tn+Tn+1+Tn+2T_{n+3} = T_n + T_{n+1}+ T_{n+2} for n0 n \geq 0.

Given nn, return the value of TnT_n.


Example 1

Input: n = 4

Output: 4

Explanation: T3T_3 = 0 + 1 + 1 = 2 T4T_4 = 1 + 1 + 2 = 4

Example 2

Input: n = 25

Output: 1389537

Thought Process / Intuition

Bottom up dynamic programming, returning the last item in the dp array.


  1. Create a dp array of length n + 1, where the value at the ithi-th index of the array is the value of T1T_1.
  2. Initialize the zeroth, first and second values of the dp array to 0, 1 and 1 respectively, since we are given T0=0,T1=1,T2=1T_0 = 0, T_1 = 1, T_2 = 1
  3. Iterate from the 3 to n, calculating and storing the TiT_i in the dp array
  4. Return the last item in the dp array.


class Solution:
    def tribonacci(self, n: int) -> int:
        if n == 0:
            return 0
        if n == 1:
            return 1
        if n == 2:
            return 1
        dp = [0] * (n + 1)
        dp[0] = 0
        dp[1] = 1
        dp[2] = 1
        for i in range(3, n + 1):
            dp[i] = dp[i-1] + dp[i-2] + dp[i-3]
        return dp[n] 

Complexity Analysis

Time complexity: O(n)O(n)

For loop is length O(n)O(n).

  • Space complexity: O(n)O(n)

Space complexity: O(n)O(n)

Size of the DP array is O(n)O(n).

Shoutout to My Friends' Solutions

Kurt's Solution

Si Yuan's Solution

My Solution on Leetcode